Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction
  3. Part 2: Configuring Hub Console Tools
  4. Part 3: Building the Data Model
  5. Part 4: Configuring the Data Flow
  6. Part 5: Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  7. Part 6: Configuring Application Access
  8. Appendix A: MDM Hub Properties
  9. Appendix B: Viewing Configuration Details
  10. Appendix C: Row-level Locking
  11. Appendix D: MDM Hub Logging
  12. Appendix E: Table Partitioning
  13. Appendix F: Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Appendix G: Glossary

Advanced Base Object Properties

Advanced Base Object Properties

This section describes the advanced base object properties.
Complete Tokenize Ratio
When the percentage of the records that have changed is higher than the complete tokenize ratio, a complete re-tokenization is performed. If the number of records to be tokenized does not exceed this threshold, then Informatica MDM Hub deletes the records requiring re-tokenization from the match key table, calculates the tokens for those records, and then reinserts them into the match key table. The default value is 60.
Deleting can be a slow process. However, if your
Process Server
is fast and the network connection between the
Process Server
and the the database server is also fast, then you may test with a much lower tokenization threshold (such as 10%). This will enable you to determine whether there are any gains in performance.
Allow constraints to be disabled
During the initial load/updates—or if there is no real-time, concurrent access—you can disable the referential integrity constraints on the base object to improve performance. The default value is 1, signifying that constraints are disabled.
Duplicate Match Threshold
This parameter is used only with the Match for Duplicate Data job for initial data loads. The default value is 0. To enable this functionality, this value must be set to 2 or above. For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Data Steward Guide
Load Batch Size
The load process inserts and updates batches of records in the base object. The load batch size specifies the number of records to load for each batch cycle (default is 1000000).
Max Elapsed Match Minutes
This specifies the timeout (in minutes) when running a match rule. If the time limit is reached, then the match process (whenever a match rule is run, either manually or through a batch job) will exit. If a match process is run as part of a batch job, the system should move onto the next match. It will stop if this is a single match process. The default value is 20. Increase this value only if the match rule and data are very complex. Generally, rules are able to complete within 20 minutes (the default).
Parallel Degree
This specifies the degree of parallelism set on the base object table and its related tables. It does not take effect for all batch processes, but can have a beneficial effect on performance when it is used. However, its use is constrained by the number of CPUs on the database server machine, as well as the amount of memory available. The default value is 1.
You cannot configure the degree of parallelism in a Microsoft SQL Server environment.
Requeue On Parent Merge
The default value is NONE. You can set one of the following values for the Requeue on Parent Merge property:
  • NONE
    If the value is set to NONE for a child base object, in the event of a merging parent, the consolidation indicator of the child record does not change.
    If the value is set to UNCONSOLIDATED ONLY for a child base object, in the event of a merging parent, the consolidation indicator of child records change to 4, except for records with consolidation indicator set to 1. To requeue child records with consolidation indicator set to 1, the Requeue on Parent Merge setting must be manually set to 2.
  • ALL
    If the value is set to ALL for a child base object, in the event of a merging parent, the consolidation indicator of all child records, including those with a consolidation indicator of 1, changes to 4 so they can be matched again.
Generate Match Tokens on Load
Enables the token generation procedure to run after a load procedure completes. You can enable generating match tokens after a load process for base objects that do not have dependent children. You must load dependent children before you can tokenize the parent. Disable generating match tokens after a load process if you have a limited window within which you must perform the load process. Default is disabled.
Match Flag Audit Table
Specifies whether a match flag audit table is created.
  • If enabled, then an audit table (
    _FMHA) is created and populated with the user ID of the user who, in Merge Manager, queued a manual match record for automerging.
  • If disabled, then the Updated_By column is set to the userID of the person who executed the Automerge batch job.
API “lock wait” interval (seconds)
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a SIF request will wait to obtain a row-level lock. Applies only if row-level locking is enabled for an ORS.
Batch “lock wait” interval (seconds)
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a batch job will wait to obtain a row-level lock. Applies only if row-level locking is enabled for an ORS.
Enable State Management
Specifies whether Informatica MDM Hub manages the system state for records in the base object. By default, state management is disabled. Select (check) this check box to enable state management for this base object in support of approval workflows. If enabled, this base object is referred to in this document as a
state-enabled base object
If the base object has custom query, when you disable state management on the base object, you will always get a warning pop-up window, even when the
is not included in the custom query.
Enable History of Cross-Reference Promotion
For state-enabled base objects, specifies whether Informatica MDM Hub maintains the promotion history for cross-reference records that undergo a state transition from PENDING (0) to ACTIVE (1). By default, this option is disabled.
Base Object Style
The base object style is merge style. You can use the merge style base object with the match and merge capabilities of the MDM Hub. It is selected by default.
Lookup Indicator
Specifies how values are retrieved in the MDM Hub Informatica Data Director.
  • If enabled, then the Informatica Data Director displays drop-down lists of lookup values.
  • If disabled, then the Informatica Data Director displays a search wizard that prompts users to select a value from a data table.

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