You need to insert the metadata that you need to detect hard deletes into the hard delete detection table for the C_CUSTOMER_STG staging table. When you detect hard deletes, the
must provide a delete flag in addition to an end date for the deleted record. The name of the delete flag column in the example is DEL_CODE and the name of the end date column in the staging table in the example is END_DATE.
The following sample code inserts metadata into the hard delete detection table to perform a direct delete with an end date for the deleted records:
INSERT into c_repos_ext_hard_del_detect
(rowid_table, hdd_enabled, hdd_type, delete_flag_column_name, delete_flag_val_active, delete_flag_val_inactive, has_end_date, end_date_column_name, end_date_val)
SELECT rowid_table,
1 AS hdd_enabled,
DIRECT AS hdd_type,
'DEL_CODE' AS delete_flag_column_name,
'A' AS delete_flag_val_active,
'I' AS delete_flag_val_inactive,
1 AS has_end_date,
'END_DATE' AS end_date_column_name,
'SYSDATE' AS end_date_val
FROM c_repos_table
WHERE table_name = 'C_CUSTOMER_STG';
WHERE table_name = 'C_CUSTOMER_STG';