Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction
  3. Part 2: Configuring Hub Console Tools
  4. Part 3: Building the Data Model
  5. Part 4: Configuring the Data Flow
  6. Part 5: Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  7. Part 6: Configuring Application Access
  8. Appendix A: MDM Hub Properties
  9. Appendix B: Viewing Configuration Details
  10. Appendix C: Row-level Locking
  11. Appendix D: MDM Hub Logging
  12. Appendix E: Table Partitioning
  13. Appendix F: Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Appendix G: Glossary

Data Encryption Restrictions

Data Encryption Restrictions

When you configure data encryption for base object columns, data is stored in an encrypted form.
Before you configure data encryption, consider the following restrictions:
  • When you use the
    Hub Console
    tools such as the
    Data Manager
    or the
    Merge Manager
    to add or edit data to encrypted columns, the data is not encrypted.
  • Data encryption is not supported for
    Data Director
    with business entities. Data encryption is supported only for
    Data Director
    with subject areas.
  • Data encryption is not supported for REST APIs. Data encryption is supported only for Services Integration Framework (SIF) APIs.
  • If SIF APIs do not use EjbSiperianClient, the data in requests in not encrypted and the responses are not decrypted. You must encrypt any sensitive data before you send a request and decrypt the encrypted data after you receive a response.
  • SOAP calls do not encrypt data. If you use SOAP calls to insert data into an encrypted column, the data must be pre-encrypted.
  • SOAP calls, such as SearchMatch and SearchQuery cannot search on data present in encrypted columns.
  • If a SOAP call, such as Get, retrieves data from an encrypted column, the data is returned in an encrypted form.
  • If a match field is a concatenation of multiple columns, the encrypted data cannot contain spaces. Each of these columns must be encrypted even if the columns do not contain data.
  • Search queries with wildcard characters and literals do not fetch search results.


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