Field Name
| Description
| Includes the part of address up to, but not including, the locality last line. The position of the address components must be in the normal word order, as in the data population. Pass this data in one field. Based on your base object, you might concatenate these attributes into one field before matching. For example, in the US, an Address_Part1 string includes the following fields: Care-of + Building Name + Street Number + Street Name + Street Type + Apartment Details. Address_Part1 uses methods and options that are designed specifically for addresses.
To prevent potential overmatching, the match process only considers transposition errors when the field contains 10 or more characters. For example, 'PO Box 38' does not match 'PO Box 83', but '13 Capital Street' matches '31 Capital Street'.
| Locality line in an address. For example, in the US, a typical Address_Part2 includes: City + State + Zip (+ Country). Matching on Address_Part2 uses methods and options designed specifically for addresses.
Attribute1, Attribute2
| Two general purpose fields. The MDM Hub matches the attribute fields using a general purpose, string matching algorithm that compensates for transpositions and missing characters or digits.
| Matches any type of date, such as date of birth, expiry date, date of contract, date of change, and creation date. Pass the date in the Day+Month+Year format. The SSA_Date field name supports the use or absence of delimiters between the date components. Matching on dates uses methods and options designed specifically for dates. Matching on dates overcomes the typical error and variation found in this data type.
| Matches the geographic coordinates, latitude, longitude, and elevation. Specify the geographic coordinates in the following order:
You can pass this data in one field or multiple fields. If you concatenate the geocode data in one field, separate the values by a comma or a space.
Geocode uses a string matching algorithm that compensates for transpositions and missing characters or digits.
| Matches any type of ID, such as account number, customer number, credit card number, drivers license number, passport number, policy number, SSN, or other identity code and VIN. The ID field uses a string matching algorithm that compensates for transpositions and missing characters or digits.
| Matches the names of organizations, such as organization names, business names, institution names, department names, agency names, and trading names. This field supports matching on a single name or on a compound name such as a legal name and its trading style. You might also use multiple names such as a legal name and a trading style in a single Organization_Name column for the match.
| Matches the names of people. Use the full person name. The position of the first name, middle names, and family names, must be the normal word order used in your population. For example, in English-speaking countries, the normal order is: First Name + Middle Names + Family Names. Based on your base object design, you can concatenate these fields into one field before matching. This field supports matching on a single name, or an account name such as JOHN & MARY SMITH. You might also use multiple names, such as a married name and a former name.
| Use to place more emphasis on the postal code by not using the Address_Part2 field. Use for all types of postal codes, including ZIP codes. The Postal_Area field name uses a string matching algorithm that compensates for transpositions and missing characters or digits.
| Use to match telephone numbers. The Telephone_Number field name uses a string matching algorithm that compensates for transpositions and missing digits or area codes.