| Description
match key table
| Contains the match keys that were generated for all base object records. A match key table uses the following naming convention:
C_ baseObjectName _STRP
baseObjectName is the root name of the base object.
Example: C_PARTY_STRP.
match table
| Contains the pairs of matched records in the base object resulting from the execution of the match process on this base object.
Match tables use the following naming convention:
C_ baseObjectName _MTCH
baseObjectName is the root name of the base object.
Example: C_PARTY_MTCH.
match flag audit table
| Contains the userID of the user who, in Merge Manager, queued a manual match record for automerging.
Match flag audit tables use the following naming convention:
C_ baseObjectName _FHMA
baseObjectName is the root name of the base object.
Used only if Match Flag Audit Table is enabled for this base object.