| Description
Matched records
| Number of records that were matched by the Auto Match and Merge job.
Records tokenized
| Number of records that were tokenized prior to the Auto Match and Merge job.
Automerged records
| Number of records that were merged by the Auto Match and Merge job.
Accepted as unique records
| Number of records that were accepted as unique records by the Auto Match and Merge job.
Applies only if this base object has Accept All Unmatched Rows as Unique enabled (set to Yes) in the Match / Merge Setup configuration.
Queued for automerge
| Number of records that were queued for automerge by a Match job that was executed by the Auto Match and Merge job.
Queued for manual merge
| Number of records that were queued for manual merge. Use the Merge Manager in the Hub Console to process these records. For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Data Steward Guide .