Data visualization is a self-service reporting tool available on the Data Archive user interface.
Use data visualization to create, view, copy, run, and delete reports from data that is archived to the Data Vault. You can select data from related or unrelated tables for a report. You can also create relationships between tables and view a diagram of these relationships. You can then lay out, style, and format the report with the design tools available on the data visualization interface.
When you access the
Reports and Dashboards
page, you can also view any pre-packaged reports that were installed by an accelerator. Accelerator reports have the type "TEMPLATE_REPORT" in the
Reports and Dashboards
window. You can perform only copy and grant operations on the TEMPLATE_REPORT type of report. You must copy the accelerator reports to an archive folder that corresponds to the Data Vault connection where the retired tables on which the reports are built are located. For example, when you copy the reports from the Application Retirement for Healthcare accelerator, select an archive folder where the healthcare-related tables are archived.
To create highly designed, pixel-perfect reports, install and use the Designer application on your desktop. The Designer application contains an advanced design tool box. After you create a report in Designer, you can publish it to the Data Archive server to view the report on the data visualization interface.