page lists jobs with their ID, status, user, items to execute, start date and time, and completion date and time.
A job can have one of the following values for status:
Not Executed
Not Started
Jobs can be displayed in detail through expand and collapse options.
Click the job name, wherever an arrow button appears to the left of it, to display logging information of a particular job. The last few lines from the logging information are displayed inline. To change the number of lines for the display, select a value from the combo box, for “view lines.” Click the View Full Screen to display the entire log in a new window. View Log, Summary Report or Simulation Report displays relevant reports as PDF files.
Options are also available to resume and terminate a job. To terminate a job, click
Terminate Job
and to resume a job, click
Resume Job
. Jobs can be resumed if interrupted either by the user or due to external reasons like power failure. When a job corresponding to a Data Archive project errors out, you should terminate that Job before scheduling the same project.