Merge Archived History Data While Segmenting Production Job
Merge Archived History Data While Segmenting Production Job
The merge archived history data while segmenting production job merges previously archived data with a configured segmentation group before it creates segments.
For example, a previously archived table may contain accounts receivable transactions from 2008 and 2009. You want to merge this data with a segmentation group you have created that contains accounts receivable transactions from 2010, 2011, and 2012, so that you can create segments for each of the five years. Run this job to combine the archived data with the accounts receivable segmentation group and create segments for each year of transactions.
The merge archived history data job applies the business rules that you configured to the production data. Run smart partitioning on the history data separately before you run the job.
If you choose not to merge all of the archived history data into its corresponding segments in the production database, the Audit Compare Snapshots job returns a discrepancy that reflects the missing rows in the row count report.
Provide the following information to run this job:
Source connection for the segmentation group. Choose from available source connections.
Name of the segmentation group that you want to merge with archived data. Choose from available segmentation groups.
Option to log your changes. If you select logging, you can revert your changes.
Default is no.
Option to add the partition column to a non-unique index.
Default is no.
Type of index the smart partitioning process creates for the merged and segmented tables.
Default is global.
Type of bitmap index the smart partitioning process creates for the merged and segmented tables.
Default is local bitmap.
Name of the tablespace you want to the global index to exist in. This field is optional.
Option to compile invalid objects after the job recreates indexes.
Default is no.
Default is no.
Checks for an access policy on the segmentation group.
Default is yes.
Degree of parallelism used when the smart partitioning process creates segments.
Default is 4.
Drops the temporary tables before rebuilding the index after segmentation.
Default is no.
Drops the temporary selection tables after segmentation.
Default is yes.
Database view that maps the partition ID to the archive ID.