To archive external attachments, you must first configure properties in the source connection. You can then archive the attachments with the associated data or after you have archived the associated data.
You can move external attachments to the target database synchronously or asynchronously. If you archive external attachments synchronously, the ILM Engine archives the external attachments with the associated data when you run an archive job. If you have already archived the associated data, you can move the external attachments asynchronously from source to target with the Move External Attachments job.
You can archive either encrypted or unencrypted attachments to a database. When you archive encrypted external attachments, FASA is not required because the files are stored in tables.
Before you run an archive job or a Move External Attachments job, configure the following properties in the source connection to archive external attachments:
Source/Staging Attachment location
Source location of the external attachments. Enter the directory where the attachments are stored on the production server. You must have read access on the directory.
Target Attachment location
Target location for the external attachments. Enter the folder where you want to archive the external attachments. You must have write access on the directory.
Move Attachments in Synchronous Mode
Moves the attachments synchronously with the archive job. If you want to archive the external attachments with the associated data when you run an archive job, select this checkbox.
Archive Job Id
Include the Job Id of the archive or restore job to move external attachments asynchronously.