Table of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring Hub Console Tools
  3. Building the Data Model
  4. Configuring the Data Flow
  5. Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  6. Configuring Application Access
  7. MDM Hub Properties
  8. Viewing Configuration Details
  9. Search with Solr
  10. Row-level Locking
  11. MDM Hub Logging
  12. Table Partitioning
  13. Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Glossary

User Exit Example

User Exit Example

Your organization needs to perform a fuzzy match on a record. You need to generate match tokens and store them in a match key table associated with the base object before you can perform a fuzzy match.
To generate match tokens you need to call the Tokenize API. You can configure a user exit that calls the Tokenize API to generate match tokens for the record on which you need to perform a fuzzy match.
The following sample user exit code uses a SIF client to call the Tokenize API to generate match tokens for a record:
private String ORS_ID = "orclmain-MDM_SAMPLE"; private UserExitSifClient sifClient; @Override public void processUserExit(UserExitContext arg0, ActionType arg1, Map<String, Object> arg2, Map<String, Object> arg3, List<Map<String, Object>> arg4) throws Exception { // Begin custom user exit code ..."##### - Starting PostLoad User Exit"); // Get the ROWID_OBJECT value of the record that was loaded. String rowidObject = (String) arg3.get("ROWID_OBJECT"); // Initialize user exit SIF Client. sifClient = new UserExitSifClient(arg0.getDBConnection(), ORS_ID); // Tokenize the record that was loaded. TokenizeRequest r = new TokenizeRequest(); // Specify a user that should call the SIF API r.setUsername("userExitSifUser"); r.setOrsId(ORS_ID); // Specify the base object that must be tokenized. r.setSiperianObjectUid(SiperianObjectType.BASE_OBJECT.makeUid("C_PARTY")); // Specify the record that must be tokenized. RecordKey rkey=new RecordKey(); rkey.setRowid(rowidObject); r.setRecordKey(rkey); r.setActionType("UPDATE"); // Call Tokenize SIF API. TokenizeResponse response = (TokenizeResponse)sifClient.process(r); // Print out response message"TokenizeReponse=" + response.getMessage()); // When making subsequent SIF API requests, SIF client can be reused. // It does not need to be initialized again. } // End processUserExit


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