Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Fast Clone Overview
  3. Configuring and Using the Fast Clone Server
  4. Creating Cloning Configuration Files in the Fast Clone Console
  5. Unloading Data from the Source Database
  6. Loading Data to a Target
  7. Remote Configuration Management
  8. Fast Clone Command Line Interface
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Fast Clone Configuration File Parameters
  11. Glossary

User Guide

User Guide

Greenplum Load Settings

Greenplum Load Settings

On the
Runtime Settings
tab >
Greenplum Load Settings
view, configure load settings for Greenplum targets.
The following table describes the fields in this view:
Parameter Name
Greenplum loader home
When you use output files or pipes to load data, enter the path to the Greenplum loader root directory that Fast Clone uses to locate the gpload utility and generate valid load scripts.
No default
Enable GreenPlum gpfdist Direct Data Stream
Indicates whether to use DataStreamer to load data. Select this option to stream data directly to a Greenplum target with the gpfdist utility.
Not selected
Skip writing the output data into files
Indicates whether to skip writing unloaded data to output files or pipes.
If you use DataStreamer, the Fast Clone Console selects this option. If you do not use DataStreamer, you can select this option to skip writing the unloaded data to files or pipes for troubleshooting purposes.
Not selected
Max errors
If you use DataStreamer, enter the maximum number of errors that can occur when streaming data to a Greenplum target. If the number of errors exceeds this maximum value, DataStreamer ends with an error.
Remotely accessed IP or hostname
If you use DataStreamer, enter the host name or IP address of the system where you run the Fast Clone instance that starts the gpfdist utility.
Local host name
Listen on specific interface
If you use DataStreamer, enter the IP addresses on which the gpfdist utility listens for incoming requests. Use to listen to all request interfaces.
No default
Listening port
If you use DataStreamer, enter the listener port for the gpfdist utility. A Greenplum target uses this port to submit requests to the gpfdist utility.


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