Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Fast Clone Overview
  3. Configuring and Using the Fast Clone Server
  4. Creating Cloning Configuration Files in the Fast Clone Console
  5. Unloading Data from the Source Database
  6. Loading Data to a Target
  7. Remote Configuration Management
  8. Fast Clone Command Line Interface
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Fast Clone Configuration File Parameters
  11. Glossary

User Guide

User Guide

Configuring a Connection to an Oracle ASM Instance

Configuring a Connection to an Oracle ASM Instance

If you use Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) to manage storage for Oracle source data, you must enter connection settings for the ASM instance.
  1. Click the
    Source DB
    tab >
    ASM Settings
    The following image shows this view:
  2. Select the
    Define and use ASM instance
    All of the fields on the
    ASM Settings
    view become available.
  3. Enter connection information for the ASM instance.
    If your Oracle source is in a RAC with multiple ASM instances, enter connection information for any one of the running Oracle ASM instances.
    The following table describes the fields on the
    ASM Settings
    ASM instance hostname
    The host name or IP address of the system with the ASM instance. The default value is the local host name.
    ASM instance port
    The port number that is used to connect to the ASM instance. The default value is 1521.
    ASM sys username
    The user name of the default Oracle ASM SYS user that was created at Oracle installation, or another user that you define. This user must have SYSDBA privileges.
    ASM sys password
    A password for the ASM SYS user.
    ASM instance
    A service name for the ASM instance. The default value is +ASM.
    Select this option to configure Fast Clone to use the TCP/IP protocol with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), also called the TCPS protocol, to connect to the ASM instance.
    If you use TCPS connections between the Fast Clone Console and remote Oracle databases, you must install the Oracle Instant Client on the Fast Clone Console system.
If Fast Clone reports an ORA-12528 error when connecting to an ASM instance, add the ASM instance to the Oracle listener.ora configuration file and restart the Oracle listener process.


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