Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Fast Clone Overview
  3. Configuring and Using the Fast Clone Server
  4. Creating Cloning Configuration Files in the Fast Clone Console
  5. Unloading Data from the Source Database
  6. Loading Data to a Target
  7. Remote Configuration Management
  8. Fast Clone Command Line Interface
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Fast Clone Configuration File Parameters
  11. Glossary

User Guide

User Guide

Generating Target Tables

Generating Target Tables

For each source table, Fast Clone requires a corresponding target table.
The source and target columns must have compatible datatypes. Also, the table and column names on the target must be identical to those on the source.
In the Fast Clone Console, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Generate target tables based on the source table schema.
  • Generate SQL CREATE TABLE scripts that you can run later to create target tables based on the source table schema.
If the source and target database types are different, Fast Clone uses the rules in the <ConversionRules> section of
\uiconf\DataTypes.xml file to convert source column datatypes to the compatible target column datatypes.


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