Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Fast Clone Overview
  3. Configuring and Using the Fast Clone Server
  4. Creating Cloning Configuration Files in the Fast Clone Console
  5. Unloading Data from the Source Database
  6. Loading Data to a Target
  7. Remote Configuration Management
  8. Fast Clone Command Line Interface
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Fast Clone Configuration File Parameters
  11. Glossary

User Guide

User Guide



Informatica Fast Clone User Guide
describes how to use the Informatica Fast Clone user interfaces to clone bulk data from an Oracle source to heterogeneous targets.
This guide is intended for users who need to configure, run, and monitor data cloning jobs, including DBAs, application developers, testing engineers, and system administrators.
This guide discusses how to perform the following tasks:
  • Use the Fast Clone Console to configure, administer, monitor, and manage data unload jobs.
  • Configure and use the Fast Clone Server in a distributed data-cloning topology.
  • Run the Fast Clone executable from the Fast Clone Console and the command line.
  • Load the unloaded data to the target database.


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