Use the Load External Attachments standalone job to archive external attachments. When you run the job, the job reads the attachments from the directory you specify in the job parameters. The job archives records from the directory and all subdirectories within the directory. The job creates BCP files and loads the attachments to the AM_ATTACHMENTS table in the Data Vault
The job creates an application module in EDM, called EXTERNAL_ATTACHMENTS. Under the application module, the job creates an entity and includes the AM_ATTACHMENTS table. You specify the entity in the job parameters. The entity allows you to use Browse Data to view the external attachments in Data Discovery without a stylesheet.
After you run the job, assign a Data Vault access role to the entity. Then, assign users to the Data Vault access role. Only users that have the same role assignment as the entity can use Browse Data to view the attachments in Data Discovery. A stylesheet is still required to view attachments in the App View.
You can run the job for attachments that you did not archive yet or for attachments that you archived in a previous release. You may want to run the job for attachments that you archived in a previous release to use Browse Data to view the attachments in Data Discovery.
If the external attachments you want to load have special characters in the file name, you must configure the LANG and LC_ALL Java environment variables on the operating system where the ILM application server runs. Set the LANG and LC_ALL variables to the locale appropriate to the special characters. For example, if the file names contain United States English characters, set the variables to
Then restart the ILM application server and resubmit the standalone job.
You cannot load files that are larger than 2 GB into Data Vault.