Run the Test Email Server Configuration job to verify that Data Archive can connect to the mail server. Run the job after you define the mail server properties in the system profile. After you verify the connection, you can configure email notifications when you schedule jobs or projects.
When you run the Test Email Server Configuration job, the job uses the mail server properties defined in the system profile to connect to the mail server. If the connection is successful, the job sends an email to the email address that you specify in the job parameters. Data Archive sends the email from the mail server user address defined in the system properties. If the connection is not successful, you can find an error message in the job log stating that the mail server connection failed.
Email recipient security is determined by the mail server policies defined by your organization. You can enter any email address that the mail server supports as a recipient. For example, if company policy allows you to send emails only within the organization, you can enter any email address within the organization. You cannot send email to addresses at external mail servers.