Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Reference 360
  3. Getting started with Reference 360
  4. Manage system reference data
  5. Manage reference data sets
  6. Manage code lists
  7. Manage code values
  8. Manage crosswalks
  9. Import data
  10. Manage hierarchies
  11. Manage attributes
  12. Manage workflows
  13. Manage jobs
  14. Reference 360 REST API
  15. Glossary

Reference 360

Reference 360

Rules and guidelines to import data

Rules and guidelines to import data

Consider the following rules and guidelines to import data:
  • You can import CSV files of up to 20 MB at a time.
  • Ensure that the CSV file doesn't contain special characters, such as
    / \ * ? % : | " < >
    , and any columns with the headers named
  • When you import code values into a code list, ensure that the CSV file doesn't contain leading or trailing spaces in the Code field values. Reference 360 uses the Code field values as source primary keys for code values. If the Code field values contain leading or trailing spaces, Reference 360 ignores these spaces in the source primary keys. When you update the code values, Reference 360 fails to create relationships because of mismatches between the Code field values and the source primary keys.
  • When you import code values into a hierarchical code list, don't add a child code value to multiple parent code values in hierarchical code lists.
  • Don't import code values with cyclic relationships into a hierarchical code list. If you import code values that contain cyclic relationships, you can't export the code values from the code list.
  • If you want to update an attribute of a code value, enter values for all the attributes of the code value in the input file. The import process doesn't retain the values of attributes that don't contain values in the input file.
  • The source file that you use for import must contain relationships and code values that exist in the hierarchy model.
  • When you import a CSV file to update the existing relationship between the code values in a hierarchy, the import fails.
    Each code value contains a unique code that's considered as the source primary key for the relationship between the parent and child code values.
  • When you import decimal values, you must consider the following guidelines:
    • The values must conform to the default precision and the defined scale.
      The default precision is 34. The supported scale value ranges from 1 to 34.
    • The total number of digits before the decimal point must be lesser than or equal to the difference between the precision and the scale.
    The following table describes the sample success and failure scenarios when you import decimal values:
    Decimal Value
    Imports the decimal value because the value is within the default precision and the defined scale.
    Rejects the value because the number of digits before the decimal point isn't lesser than or equal to the difference between the precision and the scale.
    Rejects the value because the number of digits after the decimal point isn't within the defined scale.
    Rejects the value because the difference between the precision and the scale is 0. If you import 0.789, the import process still rejects the value.


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