Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Reference 360
  3. Getting started with Reference 360
  4. Manage system reference data
  5. Manage reference data sets
  6. Manage code lists
  7. Manage code values
  8. Manage crosswalks
  9. Import data
  10. Manage hierarchies
  11. Manage attributes
  12. Manage workflows
  13. Manage jobs
  14. Reference 360 REST API
  15. Glossary

Reference 360

Reference 360

Custom attributes

Custom attributes

You can define additional attributes for your code values. Your custom attributes can be required or optional attributes.
When you create a reference data set or code list, you can create custom attributes and define them as required or optional. If you define custom required attributes for reference data sets, the code lists inherit the attributes from the reference data set. Then when you create code values in the code lists, the code values must contain values in the custom required attributes. Also, when you create code lists, you can configure custom required attributes in addition to the inherited attributes from the reference data set.
You can only define custom required attributes when you create a reference data set or code list. For more information about allowed actions, see Reference data sets and Code lists.
For example, you create a Country Codes with Currency code list. You create the optional Population and Currency custom attributes. When you create code values in the Country Codes with Currency code list, you must enter values in the required Name and Code attributes. You can choose to enter values for the Population and Currency attributes.
The following image shows a sample of attributes defined for a code list:
The image shows an example of the attributes defined for the Country Codes with Currency code list. The Country Code with Currency code list contains attributes, such as Name, Code, and Description, on the Definition tab.
The following image shows sample attribute values for code values in the Country Code with Currency code list:
The Country Code with Currecy code list with attributes values for the code values.

Attribute data types

When you configure custom attributes, you can define data types, such as string, integer, decimal, date, boolean, and reference data for the attribute values.
You can define a scale for decimal data type attributes. The default scale is
When you migrate a code list that contains a decimal attribute, the scale doesn't get updated in the target organization. To update the scale, delete the decimal attribute from the target organization and then import the code list.
When you add an integer data type, the minimum value is
, and the maximum value is
. When you define reference data as the data type, the values depend on the referenced reference data asset.
The Reference Data data type supports lookup reference data. Use the Reference Data data type to include the code values from another reference data set and code list. For more information, see Reference data attributes.


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