Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Reference 360
  3. Getting started with Reference 360
  4. Manage system reference data
  5. Manage reference data sets
  6. Manage code lists
  7. Manage code values
  8. Manage crosswalks
  9. Import data
  10. Manage hierarchies
  11. Manage attributes
  12. Manage workflows
  13. Manage jobs
  14. Reference 360 REST API
  15. Glossary

Reference 360

Reference 360



As an asset moves through a workflow, different versions of the asset are created. The version that is available depends on where the asset is in the workflow.
When you view an asset, you are viewing the active version of the asset. To propose changes to an asset, you create a draft version of the asset. When you are done making changes, you send your draft for approval. If approved, the draft version becomes the active version. If rejected, the draft version is discarded and the active version of the asset is available.
When you view an asset that was sent for approval, you can see the changes pending approval. You can compare the pending changes with the active version. If you are the last reviewer responsible for approving the draft, you can approve the changes while viewing the pending changes.
The following table describes the available versions for an asset:
Available to
Active version of the asset that contains approved reference data.
All users viewing an asset without proposed changes.
Draft version of the asset that contains proposed changes.
Users proposing changes to an asset.
If you are a reviewer, you can compare the draft version and active version to see moved, deleted, and added reference data. For more information, see Comparisons.


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