Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Reference 360
  3. Getting started with Reference 360
  4. Manage system reference data
  5. Manage reference data sets
  6. Manage code lists
  7. Manage code values
  8. Manage crosswalks
  9. Import data
  10. Manage hierarchies
  11. Manage attributes
  12. Manage workflows
  13. Manage jobs
  14. Reference 360 REST API
  15. Glossary

Reference 360

Reference 360

Rules and guidelines for adding code values with dependent reference data attributes

Rules and guidelines for adding code values with dependent reference data attributes

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you add code values with reference data type attributes:
  • Reference 360
    disables the dependent reference data attributes until you select a value for the reference data attribute that it depends on.
    For example, if the Country of Birth depends on the Continent of Birth, you can't select a value for the Country of Birth attribute until you select a value for the Continent of Birth attribute.
  • If you modify the selected value for a reference data attribute,
    Reference 360
    clears the selected values for its respective dependent reference data attributes.
  • If you select a hierarchical code list for a reference data attribute that depends on another reference data attribute,
    Reference 360
    displays the values in hierarchical structure.
  • After you add default values for reference data attributes set with dependency, if you clear the default value for a reference data attribute,
    Reference 360
    clears the default value for its dependent reference data attributes.
    For example, the Country of Birth attribute depends on the Continent of Birth attribute. You have set default values for the Country of Birth attribute as India and for the Continent of Birth attribute as Asia. When you add a code value, if you clear the default value for the County of Birth attribute,
    Reference 360
    clears default value for the Continent of Birth attribute.


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