Common Properties | Definition |
jcifs.smb.client.username | The username to use for the connection. |
jcifs.smb.client.password | The password to use for the connection. |
jcifs.smb.client.domain | The authentication domain to use for the connection. |
jcifs.netbios.wins | The IP address of the WINS server. This is only required when accessing hosts on different subnets. |
jcifs.netbios.baddr | The local network's broadcast address. It may be necessary to set this for certain network configurations. |
jcifs.netbios.scope | NetBIOS provides for a "scope id" to be used in a attempt to conceal groups of machines on the same network. |
jcifs.smb.client.laddr | The IP address of the local interface the client should bind to if it is different from the default. |
jcifs.netbios.laddr | The IP address of the local interface the client should bind to for name queries if it is different from the default. |
jcifs.netbios.lmhosts | The path to an lmhosts file containing a map of IP addresses to hostnames. The format of this file is identical to that of the Windows lmhosts file format. |
jcifs.smb.client.disablePlainTextPasswords | Plain text passwords are not recommended and disabled by default. To enable plain text passwords, set this property to false. |
jcifs.encoding | The default encoding is Cp850 (MS-DOS Latin 1). |
jcifs.smb.client.useExtendedSecurity | Older versions of Samba do not support this property and in those cases the value should be set to false. |
Enhanced Properties | Definition |
jcifs.resolveOrder | The name resolution method identifiers, separated by commas, that specify which methods will be used to resolve hostnames. The possible identifiers in default order are LMHOSTS, WINS, BCAST, and DNS. |
jcifs.util.loglevel | 0 - No log messages are printed.
1 - Only critical messages are logged (default level).
2 - Critical and some Event messages are logged.
3 - Almost everything is logged.
N - Debugging log level. |
jcifs.smb.client.attrExpirationPeriod | The time in milliseconds that the attributes of a file are cached (default 5000). To turn off attribute expiration, set the value to 0. |
jcifs.smb.client.responseTimeout | The time in milliseconds that the client will wait for a response to a request from the server (default 30000). Increase this value if network conditions are poor. |
jcifs.smb.client.soTimeout | The time in milliseconds the server will keep a socket open for activity (default 35000). If the responseTimeout value was increased, adjust this value accordingly. |
jcifs.netbios.cachePolicy | The time in seconds that a NetBIOS name is cached (default 30). Set the value to 0 to disable caching and set the value to -1 to retain the cache. |
jcifs.netbios.hostname | This property will force port 139 rather than the default port 445. |
jcifs.smb.client.listSize | The byte size of the data buffer (default 65535). High latency networks may perform better with a value below the MTU (1200). |
jcifs.smb.client.listCount | The maximum number of directory and file entries returned with each request (default 200). |
jcifs.smb.client.lport | Specify a local port, if needed, for socket communications. This has no effect on the remote port - 139. |
jcifs.netbios.soTimeout | The time in milliseconds (default 5000), the datagram socket used for nameservice queries is left open. |
jcifs.netbios.lport | Specify a local port, if needed, for socket communications. |
jcifs.netbios.retryCount | The number of times a name query is made if no answer is received (default 2). Consider increasing the jcifs.netbios.retryTimeout instead. |
jcifs.netbios.retryTimeout | The time in milliseconds the client will wait for a response to a name query (default 3000). |
jcifs.http.domainController | The DNS hostname or IP address of a server that should be used to authenticate HTTP clients with the NtlmSsp class. |
jcifs.http.basicRelm | The realm for basic authentication (default 'jCIFS'). |
jcifs.http.enableBasic | To enable basic authentication over HTTPS, set this value to true. |
jcifs.http.insecureBasic | To enable basic authentication over HTTP, set this property to true. This configuration passes user credentials in plain text over the network. |
jcifs.smb.lmCompatibility | 0,1 - Sends LM and NTLM responses. Use 0 for older Samba.
2 - Sends only the NTLM response.
3,4,5 -- Sends LMv2 and NTLMv2 data (default). These values mirror those used with the Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa |
jcifs.smb.client.ssnLimit | The number of sessions open per transport (default 250). Setting the value too high may result in ERRSVR/90: Too many Uids active on this session. |
jcifs.smb.client.signingPreferred | If SMB signing is required or supported, set this vale to true. Signing is required by default with Windows 2003 and later. |
jcifs.http.loadBalance | If a jcifs.smb.client.domain value is specified (and domainController is not specified) the NtlmHttpFilter will query for domain controllers by name. The filter will rotate through the list of domain controllers when authenticating users (default value is true). The jcifs.netbios.lookupRespLimit property can also be used to limit the number of domain controllers used. |
jcifs.netbios.lookupRespLimit | Limits the range of servers returned by the 0x1C NetBIOS name query (default 5). |
jcifs.smb.client.logonShare | The shared name against which SmbSession.logon() authenticates users (default IPC$). Changing the value can be used to create simple group based access control for the NtlmHttpFilter or other applications that use SmbSession.logon(). |
jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled | When used in a non-domain environment set this value to true (default false). |
jcifs.smb.client.dfs.ttl | The time in seconds that DFS topology information should be cached (default 300). |
jcifs.smb.client.dfs.strictView | A list of shares is returned even if DFS roots are not enumerated (default). If set to true, an error is logged if DFS information cannot be successfully retrieved. |
Advanced Properties | Definition |
jcifs.smb.client.nativeOs | The NativeOS field. The default is the system property. |
jcifs.smb.client.nativeLanMan | Specifies the NativeLanMan field in the SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX request. |
jcifs.smb.client.maxMpxCount | The number of simultaneous outstanding transactions with a given server (default 10). |
jcifs.smb.client.useNTSmbs | This value is rarely set. |
jcifs.smb.client.useUnicode | The client uses Unicode strings, unless set to false and then will only use 8 bit strings (although Unicode will still be used to accommodate a few protocol bugs). |
jcifs.netbios.client.writeSize | The buffer size in bytes used by the NetBIOS Socket layer to write data to the raw socket (default 1500). |
jcifs.smb.client.flags2 | The flags2 field of the SMB header. |
jcifs.smb.client.capabilities | The capabilities field of the SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX command. |
jcifs.smb.client.rcv_buf_size | The buffer size in bytes for decoding incoming packets (default 60416). |
jcifs.smb.client.snd_buf_size | The buffer size in bytes for encoding outgoing packets (default 16644). |
jcifs.smb.client.serviceType | Service types can be A:, LPT1:, IPC, and COMM. |
jcifs.smb.client.<smb_ident>.<smb_ident> | Batching (chaining) requires an integer batch level for a pair of SMB messages. |
jcifs.smb.client.useBatching | Batching is turned off by setting this value to false (default true). |
jcifs.smb.client.tcpNoDelay | SMB transport sockets will call setTcpNoDelay if the value is set to true. The default value is false (Nagle's algorithm is enabled). |
jcifs.smb.client.transaction_buf_size | The maximum SMB transaction buffer size. The default is 0xFFFF - 512. |
jcifs.smb.maxBuffers | The maximum number of of jcifs.smb.client.transaction_buf_size buffers that the buffer cache will create (default 16). |