When a new Monitor is created, an initial snapshot of the folder is taken and the next run time is calculated. Taking a snapshot requires the Monitor to scan the folder (and optionally subfolders), looking for files that match the file name pattern. The result is an XML-based snapshot file that will be stored in the [monitorsdirectory]/[monitor type] folder. The location of the Monitors Directory can be configured in the Global Settings.
The Monitor function will check every 15 seconds for any Monitors that need to run, which is based on their calculated next run times. When an individual Monitor runs, it will load the last recorded snapshot file and will also take a current snapshot. Based on the Monitor settings, it then compares the files for one of the following events:
Files Created: When scanning for files that were created, the Monitor compares the new snapshot against the last one. If a file was not in the last snapshot, it is considered new. The Monitor will then determine if the file is still being written to by another application using the File Availability settings on the Monitor's Advanced tab. If successful, meaning no other process is currently writing to it, the Monitor will add the file to the monitor.fileList output variable (which can be sent onto the Project). If the file is in use, it is removed from the current snapshot and ignored. The next time the Monitor compares snapshots, it will treat the file (that was in use) as new and will, once again, determine if the file is in use, and add the file to the monitor.fileList output variable if the file is not being written to.
Files Modified: When scanning for modified files, the Monitor compares the new snapshot against the last one. If the file is located in both snapshots and the last modified date has been updated, then the Monitor will determine if the file is in use using the File Availability settings on the Monitor's Advanced tab. If successful, the modified file is added to the monitor.fileList output variable. If the file is in use, the file will be ignored and checked the next time the Monitor runs.
Files Deleted: When scanning for deleted files, the Monitor compares the new snapshot against the last one. If a file is in the last snapshot but is not in the new one, the file is added to the monitor.fileList output variable.
After the snapshot comparison completes, the Monitor will overwrite the snapshot file with the current snapshot.
If any files were found which meet the event criteria that was monitored for, then the Project (specified on the Monitor's Action tab) will be called with the list of files (from the monitor.fileList variable).
Email notifications can be sent when a Project completes successfully, when a Project fails or if an error occurs. A notification email can also be sent if no files were found by the end of the day (that met the selection criteria). These emails are sent using the SMTP settings located in the Global Settings and the email messages can be customized using Email Templates.