Attribute Name | Description |
name | The name of the file, including the extension if one exists. If the Remote File's path is /orders/company/20150101.txt, then the value of this attribute would be 20150101.txt |
extension | The extension of the file if one exists. If the Remote File variable is a directory, then the value of this attribute will be an empty string. If the Remote File variable is a data file and the file has an extension, the extension will be returned. If the file does not have any extension, an empty string is returned. |
lastModifiedDate | The last modified date and time of the file in ISO format, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS. Refer to the date and time format symbols for more information. This attribute may only exist when using the Create a File List sub-task. |
lastModifiedMillis | The last modification date and time of the file in milliseconds since the Unix timestamp (January 1, 1970). This attribute may only exist when using the Create a File List sub-task. |
size | The size of the file in bytes, which is a whole number. This attribute may only exist when using the Create a File List sub-task. |
path | The relative path of the file. For example, /home/user/myfile.txt. |
nameWithoutExtension | The name of the file excluding the extension. |