Attribute | Description |
id | The ID of the message. |
file | The path of the file where the message contents were stored. |
correlationId | The correlation ID of the message, if any. |
destination | The full destination path. For example, queue:///queueName |
queueName | The queue name if the destination was a queue. |
topicName | The topic name if the destination was a topic. |
deliveryMode | The delivery mode. |
expiration | The date/timestamp when the message will expire. |
priority | The priority of the message. Possible values are 0 through 9, with 0 being the lowest priority, and 9 being the highest. |
redelivered | Whether the message was redelivered. |
replyTo | The queue or topic to reply to, if any. |
timestamp | The date/timestamp when the message was sent. |
type | The type of message. |
properties[propertyName] | The JMS and user-defined message properties can be retrieved by using the properties[propertyName] syntax. Replacing propertyName with the appropriate JMS or user-defined property will return the respective value. |