The Authentication tab contains the following fields:
Use Logged-In User Credentials
The network share resource can use the login credentials of the current
Managed File Transfer
Web User when accessing a network share. This option is especially useful if the
Login Method authenticates with Active Directory, LDAP, or IBM i. When used, the logged-in Web User credentials are sent to the destination location so the owner of the file is the Web User. If Use Logged-In User Credentials is not selected, the credentials of the specified
Managed File Transfer
account are passed as the file owner.
The user name (login name) to use when connecting to the network share, if not using the current user's credentials.
The password to use for connecting to the network share, if not using the current user's credentials. After entering the password, you can optionally click the
button, which will encrypt the password when it is stored in the
Managed File Transfer
Is Password Encrypted
Indicates whether or not the password is encrypted. You should choose Yes if you clicked the Encrypt button for the Password.
The domain name of the authentication server, if different from the domain of the network share.