Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Secure Mail At A Glance

Secure Mail At A Glance

Secure Mail has the following key components and features:
Files that are sent through Secure Mail are stored by
Managed File Transfer
under a “Packages” folder on your network. The Packages folder location is defined in Global Settings on the Data tab. Individual packages are organized into subfolders based on their creation date and package id (a 36-character UUID). A typical path to a package folder will be constructed as: [installdirectory]/userdata/packages/[creationdate]/[PackageID]. When a recipient downloads their Secure Mail files through the HTTPS link, those files are retrieved from that package folder on your network.
When a Secure Mail Package is created, the message and files in the Package are automatically encrypted on the disk with a unique encryption key and the AES 256-bit cipher to protect the privacy of the data. When accessed from an authorized recipient,
Managed File Transfer
automatically decrypts the message and files within the Package while it is being accessed. The Package message and files will remain encrypted on your network until they are purged.
Package Mailer
The Package mailer will make three attempts (in 60 second intervals) to deliver a Secure Mail message to each recipient. If the HTTPS service or the
Managed File Transfer
server is shutdown for any reason, the Package mailer will re-send messages that were in the process of being sent.
All Web User, Package, file and recipient activity is recorded in the HTTPS Log. Purging events are recorded in the Server Log. A Web User can also view logs pertaining to the messages they send in the Secure Mail interface via the HTTPS Client.
A daily process checks for inactive packages and deletes them from the server. If a Web User account is deleted, all packages associated with that account will be set to inactive and deleted as part of the purge process. Purge options are configured on the Secure Mail tab in the Log Settings.


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