Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

HTTPS Configuration

HTTPS Configuration

The HTTPS/AS2 Server Configuration page provides a logical arrangement of the Preferences and Listeners for the HTTPS/AS2 Service.


The following sections describe the Preferences settings.
General Properties
The following General properties can be set:
Automatically Start Service
Specify whether you would like to start the HTTPS/AS2 service automatically when
Managed File Transfer
Session Timeout
The length of idle time in seconds before the HTTPS/AS2 session will close. The default is 300 seconds.
File Transfer Portal
The following File Transfer Portal properties can be set.
General Tab
The General Tab contains the following parameters:
Managed File Transfer
File Transfer Portal can be enabled or disabled. By default the service is enabled. Changing this setting requires a restart of
Managed File Transfer
. You must have the appropriate license to use the File Transfer Portal.
Allow Browsers to Save Login Credentials
By default,
Managed File Transfer
will not allow a browser to save login credentials. If enabled, the first time a Web User logs in to the HTTPS File Transfer Portal, their browser will ask them if they want to save their password.
Allow Session ID in URL
To prevent internet session hijacking vulnerabilities,
Managed File Transfer
will not allow a Web User's session ID to appear in the URL by default. When this option is enabled, the session ID will appear in the URL while a Web User is using the service (less secure).
Web User's who have their internet browser cookies disabled will not be able to use the service when Allow Session ID in URL is also disabled.
Allow Embedding within an IFrame
To prevent internet clickjacking vulnerabilities,
Managed File Transfer
will not allow the File Transfer Portal to run within an IFrame by default. When this option is enabled, the File Transfer Portal will be allowed to run in an IFrame, which can include potentially untrusted sources (less secure).
Site URL
The Site URL indicates the address of the File Transfer Portal and is used in emails that are sent from
Managed File Transfer
. This URL should be accessible from both internal and external network locations.
Secure Folders Tab
Secure Folders allows Web Users to work with authorized folders and files on the Network through the HTTPS File Transfer Portal.
User Interface Tab
The User Interface Tab contains the following parameters:
By default, the
Managed File Transfer
logo will be displayed on the login page and header for the Web client. Substitute a corporate logo by selecting the Custom File option and typing a file path and name for a graphic file. Graphic files should be a standard Web format (.jpg, .gif, .png), and sized appropriately (250x75px recommended).
Custom logos must be copied to the <installdirectory>/ghttpsroot/custom folder, where <installdirectory> is the installation directory of
Managed File Transfer
Enable Forgot Password Link
The File Transfer Portal login page displays a Forgot Password link when this option is enabled. If selected by the Web User, the Forgot Password process sends an email to the registered Web User with a link to change their password.
Display Help Link
A User Guide is provided with the File Transfer Portal. A Help link, available at the top of the page, can be turned on or off for the File Transfer Portal.
Help File/URL
The location of the help documentation to display in the File Transfer Portal. The following options can be specified:
The help file included with
Managed File Transfer
is the default help content.
If the Help link will open a document (for example, a PDF, text file, or HTML document), that file must be copied to the <installdirectory>/ghttpsroot/custom folder, where <installdirectory> is the installation directory of
Managed File Transfer
. Only the file name is placed in the text field (for example, webclienthelp.pdf).
If the Help link will open a Web page, place the full URL in the text field (for example,


The File Transfer Portal is available to Web Users in the following languages:
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Indonesian
  • Chinese
The Languages tab allows you to configure the custom page heading and disclaimer message that will be displayed for each language.
Managed File Transfer
uses the Web User's internet browser language settings to choose the File Transfer Portal’s default language. If a Web User's internet browser is configured to use multiple languages, and the preferred language is not available or enabled,
Managed File Transfer
will use the next available language in the order of preference from the Web User's browser. English will be used as the default language if no other language can be found.
Each language can be enabled by expanding the
icon and then select the Enabled option.
The Languages tab contains the following properties:
Page Title
The Page Title is displayed in the title bar of the browser when a Web User accesses
Managed File Transfer
through the File Transfer Portal.
Display Disclaimer
A disclaimer is information that each Web User will view before accessing
Managed File Transfer
. If selected, the disclaimer text is displayed below the login box on the File Transfer Portal login page.
The heading is the title of the disclaimer. The heading is centered under the File Transfer Portal login page.
Short Description/Disclaimer
The disclaimer text cannot exceed 2000 characters and supports HTML. Your description can include linked text that opens a file or web page in a new window. The linked text must be enclosed in
<link> </link>
tags. For example,
Read the full disclaimer <link>here</link>
Disclaimer File/URL
Enter the file name or URL for the resource referenced in the
text from the
Short Description/Disclaimer
  • File
    - If the link will open a document (for example, a PDF, text file, or HTML document), that file must be copied to the [installdirectory]/ghttpsroot/custom folder, where
    is the installation directory of
    Managed File Transfer
    . Only the file name is placed in the text field, for example,
  • URL
    - If the link opens a web page, place the full URL in the text field, for example,

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