Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms



Define the following properties for the MLLP Task:

Basic Tab

Provide a name for this task.
MLLP Server
Select a pre-configured MLLP server from the list.
Source File
Specify the file name and path for the file to be sent. A file name is required.
Source File Variable
Specify the name of a variable of type File List that contains the files to send to the MLLP server, for example $(variableName).

Response Tab

The queue on the MLLP server that will hold the information. The following options are available:
  • Joblog: The synchronous response will be saved to the job log.
  • File: The synchronous response will be saved to the file specified in the Response File attribute.
  • Discard: The response will be discarded.
Specify the name of the file to which the response, if any, should be saved. This is required if the Destination attribute is set to File.
When File Exists
Select the action to take when the specified file already exists.
Default Value: rename
Fail Job if Not AA/CA
Specify if to fail the job if the acknowledgement type received for a message to the MLLP server is not Application Accept (AA) or Commit Accept (CA).
Default: Yes
Retry if AR/CR
Specify if to retry the job if the acknowledgement type received is Application Reject (AR) or Commit Reject (CR).
Default: No
Message Retry Attempts
Specify the number of message retry attempts where the response cannot be Application Accept (AA) or Application Error (AE) on the first attempt.
Default: 0
Message Retry Interval
Specify the length of time in seconds between message retry attempts.
Default: 0

Output Variable Tab

Output Variable
Specify the name of the variable that will contain an MLLP server response for the variable.

MLLP Server Tab

Basic Section Properties
Use these options to configure the connection properties to an MLLP Server. If using an MLLP Server resource, these attributes can be used to override properties defined in the resource.
Specify the host name or IP address of the MLLP Server. This is needed if an MLLP resource was not specified or to override the host name specified for the MLLP resource.
Specify the port number to connect to.
Default: 2575
Connection Section Properties
Response Timeout
Specify the maximum amount of time to wait in seconds from the moment the response from the MLLP server is received after sending the message. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
Default: 30
Connection Timeout
Specify the maximum amount of time to wait in seconds to establish a connection to the MLLP server. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
Default: 30
Connection Retry Attempts
Specify the number of times to retry the connection if not established on the first try.
Default: 0
Connection Retry Interval
Specify the number of seconds to wait between each retry attempt.
Default: 0
Proxy Section Properties
Specify the following options if MLLP connections from this server require the use of a proxy server. If there is direct access to the MLLP Server, leave these options blank.
Proxy Type
Select the type of proxy server you would like to use to connect to the target server. If left blank and a proxy host is specified, this value will default to a proxy type of HTTP.
Default: http
Specify the host name or IP address of the proxy server. This is required if your system uses a proxy server to make HTTP/HTTPS connections.
Alternate Host
Specify an alternate host name or IP address of the proxy server.
Specify the port number on which the proxy server is listening.
Default: 80
Specify the user name or login name if the proxy server requires authentication.
Specify the password for the proxy server.
Is Password Encrypted?
Specify if the proxy server password is in encrypted form.

Control Tab

Log Level
Specify the level of logging to use while executing this task. Valid options are - silent, normal, verbose and debug.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Module.
Execute Only If
Specify a condition that must be satisfied before this task can be executed. This task will be skipped if the specified condition is not met.
Whether or not this task is disabled.
Default Value: false

On Error Tab

On Error
Specify the action to take when this task errors out. Valid options are - abort, continue, call:[module] and setVariable:[name]=[value]. For call:[module] replace [module] with the name of the module in the project (e.g. call:ErrorModule). For setVariable:[name]=[value] replace [name] with a variable name and [value] with the variable value (e.g. setVariable:error=true).
Default Value: Inherited from parent Module

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