Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Table Navigation Tools

Table Navigation Tools

The following table navigation tools are available:
  • View the Audit Log Details by selecting the View icon.
  • View the Job Log by selecting the Job ID link.
  • Click the
    button to move back to the previous page of results.
  • Click the
    button to move forward to the next page of results.
  • Select the number of Rows to display on each page.
  • Click the
    Export Page
    button to save only the results on the visible page to a .CSV file on your local computer.
  • Click the
    Export Results
    button to save the results from all pages to a .CSV file on your local computer.
    The default saved Job Log file name is "JobLogsYYYYMMDD.csv" (where YYYYMMDD is the current year, month, and day).
  • Click the
    button to select which Completed Jobs properties are displayed in the table. The following properties are available:
  • Event Type - The type of processing that was done to the file.
  • Start Time - The date and timestamp of when the job started executing.
  • Source File Name - The name of the file in the source directory.
  • Status - The outcome of the job (Successful, Failed or Canceled).
  • Task Name - The
    Managed File Transfer
    Project Task name used to process the file.
  • Run User - The Admin User account that was used to submit the job.
  • Time(ms) - The amount of time the job took to complete (in milliseconds).
  • Job Number - A unique Job ID number given to each Project at runtime.
  • Event ID - A unique number assigned to the event. This number is sequential to the order in which the events started.
  • Source File Path - The path where the file originated.
  • Source File Size - The size of the file before the Job was executed.
  • Source Resource Name - The
    Managed File Transfer
    Resource that was used to access the file.
  • Source Protocol - The protocol used to access the file.
  • Source Server Host - The host name of the server used to access the file.
  • Source Server User - The Web User account that was used to transfer a file.
  • Destination File Name - The name of the file in the destination directory.
  • Destination File Path - The path where the file is located after the Job completed.
  • Destination File Size - The size of the file after the Job was executed.
  • Destination Resource Name - The
    Managed File Transfer
    Resource where the file was created or transferred.
  • Destination Protocol - The protocol used to transfer the file.
  • Destination Server Host - The host name of the server used to transfer the file.

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