Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Data Options

Data Options

The Data Options element allows you to specify data format options for the data written to the fixed-width file.
Basic Tab
Specify how the leading and trailing white spaces in the fields should be trimmed. By default no data is trimmed, leaving all leading and trailing white spaces. This setting may also be overridden by the individual column settings.
Default Value: none
Null Substitute
Specify the value that should be written to the output file when any field in any row of the input RowSet has a null value. This value can be overridden by the individual columns.
Data Format Tab
Whole Number Format
Specify the pattern to use for formatting the whole number fields (tinyint, smallint, int, bigint) in the output file. For e.g. ###,### (2,345). Please note that this setting will only be used if and only if there is at least one whole number (tinyint, smallint, int, bigint) type column defined under this data element. This value can be overridden by the individual columns.
Decimal Number Format
Specify the pattern to use for formatting the decimal number fields (real, float, double, decimal and numeric) in the output file. For e.g. $###,###.00 ($2,345.46). Please note that this setting will only be used if there is at least one decimal number (real, float, double, decimal, numeric) type column defined under this data element. This value can be overridden by the individual columns.
Date Format
Specify the pattern for formatting the date fields in the output file. For e.g. MM/dd/yyyy (08/02/2007). Please note that this setting will only be used if and only if there is at least one date type column defined under this data element. This value can be overridden by the individual columns.
Default Value: yyyy-MM-dd
Time Format
Specify the pattern to use for formatting the time fields in the input files. For e.g. hh:mm:ss a (08:12:56 PM). Please note that this setting will only be used if and only if there is at least one time type column defined under this data element. This value can be overridden by the individual columns.
Default Value: HH:mm:ss
Timestamp Format
Specify the pattern to use for formatting the timestamp fields in the input files. For e.g. MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a (Aug 02, 2007 08:12:56 PM). Please note that this setting will only be used if and only if there is at least one timestamp type column defined under this data element. This value can be overridden by the individual columns.
Default Value: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
Specify the locale to which the locale sensitive data such as numeric and date/time data should be formatted. The locale must be of the form [language]_[country], where language is the two character ISO language code and country is the two character ISO country code. The country part may be omitted if the data was formatted to just the specified language. Example locales are - en_US (English/United States), de (German). If needed, the locale may be overridden on the individual column(s). Please note that this setting will only be used if and only if there is at least one numeric or date/time type column defined under this data element.
Default Value: en_US
Specify how the data should be aligned in the columns. This value can be overridden based on the data type or at the individual column level.
Default Value: left
Whole Number Alignment
Specify how whole numbers (INTEGER, BIGINT, SMALLINT and TINYINT) should be aligned.
Default Value: Value specified in the Alignment field
Decimal Number Alignment
Specify how decimal numbers (DECIMAL, NUMERIC, FLOAT and REAL, DOUBLE) should be aligned.
Default Value: Value specified in the Alignment field
Date Alignment
Specify how dates should be aligned.
Default Value: Value specified in the Alignment field
Time Alignment
Specify how times should be aligned.
Default Value: Value specified in the Alignment field
Timestamp Alignment
Specify how timestamps should be aligned.
Default Value: Value specified in the Alignment field
Padding Character
Specify the character to use to pad the data in various columns. Data will be padded with this character when the actual size of the data is less than the size defined on the column, or the size obtained from the input RowSet's metadata. Please note that the left aligned columns will be padded on the right side, columns that are aligned right will be padded on the left, and columns with center alignment will be padded on both sides.
Default Value: white space character
Decimal Field Width Formula
Specify the formula to use for determining the default size a decimal/numeric field occupies. This setting works only when the input RowSet metadata contains the decimal field's precision and scale information. Otherwise, the results will be unknown.
Default Value: sign always/decimal always

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