| Description
| Specify a label for the task.
OpenPGP Key Ring
| Select a pre-configured OpenPGP key ring from the drop-down list.
Input File
| Specify the path and file name of the file to be verified.
Input Files Variable
| Specify the name of a variable of type File List that contains the files to verify. For example, ${variableName}
Output File
| Specify the path and file name of the verified output file. Specify the path and file name only if you verify a single file.
Output Directory
| Specify the directory where the verified files should be saved.
When Output File Exists
| Specify the action to take when the zipped file already exists.
Default is rename.
| Description
Armor Output Files
| Specify whether you want to armor the files when encrypting. Armoring converts the encrypted files into ASCII format using Base64 encoding. This makes the encrypted files safe for mailing, but about 33 percent larger.
Default is false.
Compress Output Files
| Specify whether you want to compress the files during encryption. Compressing the files results in smaller output files.
Default is true.
Use Integrity Packet
| Specify whether you want to use an integrity packet when encrypting. This option is provided for compatibility reasons with older PGP implementations.
Default is true.
User Version3 Signature
| Specify whether you want to sign the files using version 3 signatures.
Default is false. By default, the files are signed using version 4 signatures. This attribute is provided for compatibility with older PGP softwares.
File Name Prefix
| Specify a string to attach at the beginning of the encrypted file names.
File Name Suffix
| Specify a string to attach at the end of the encrypted file names.
| Description
Symmetric Key Algorithm
| Specify the symmetric key algorithm to use.
The default value is automatically determined from the key.
Hash Algorithm
| Specify the hash algorithm to use.
The default value is automatically determined from the key.
Compression Algorithm
| Specify the compression algorithm to use.
The default value is automatically determined from the key.
| Description
Output Files Variable
| You can specify the name of a variable that contains the verified files. The variable is of type File List and can be used in subsequent tasks that accept a File List input variable. The variable is created if it does not exist.
Processed Input Files Variable
| You can specify the name of a variable that contains the signed input files. The variable is of type File List and can be used in subsequent tasks that accept a File List input variable. The variable is created if it does not exist.
Public Key Ring
| Specify the public key ring that contains a copy of the sender's public keys. Specify the public key ring only if no PGP key ring resource was specified or if you need to override the public key ring that you specified in the PGP key ring resource.
Secret Key Ring
| Specify the secret key ring that contains your secret key. The secret key is used if you are signing the files during encryption. Specify the secret key ring only if no PGP key ring resource was specified or if you need to override the secret key ring that you specified in the PGP key ring resource.
| Description
| The version of this task.
Log Level
| Specify the level of logging to use while executing this task. You can select
silent ,
normal ,
verbose , or
debug .
The default value is inherited from the parent module.
Execute Only If
| Specify a condition that must be met before the task can be executed. This task will be skipped if the specified condition is not met.
| Whether the task is disabled.
Default is false.
| Description
On Error
| Specify the action to take when the task errors out. You can select
abort ,
continue ,
call:[module] , or
setVariable:[name]=[value] .
When you select
call:[module] , replace
[module] with the name of the module in the project, for example,
call:ErrorModule .
When you select
setVariable:[name]=[value] , replace
[name] with a variable name and
[value] with the variable value, for example,
setVariable:error=true .
The default value is inherited from the parent module.