Variable | Description |
registration:invitedBy | If the new user was invited, this is the Web User account name that made the invitation. |
registration:invitedOn | If the new user was invited, this the timestamp of when the invitation was sent. |
users:webUserManagerEmails | The list of email addresses for all members of the Web User Manager role. |
webuser:email | The Web User's email address. |
webuser:firstName | The first name of the Web User. |
webuser:lastName | The last name of the Web User. |
webuser:name | The Web User's account/login name. |
webuser:organization | The company of the Web User. |
webuser:phone | The phone number of the Web User. |
system:name | The system name of the local server as defined in the [installdirectory]/config/cluster.xml file. |
system:environmentName | The environment name defined on the Global Settings page. |