Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms



The Column Field Element allows you to specify the data parameters written to columns in a fixed-width file.
Basic Tab
Specify the index of the column in the input RowSet. The first column starts with index 1. Either index or name must be specified to customize the output data. If both index and name are specified, the index value will be used.
Specify the name of the column in the input RowSet. The column names are case insensitive. Either index or name must be specified to customize the output data. If both index and name are specified, the index value will be used. The name specified here overrides the input RowSet column name..
Specify the size of this column. The default value is obtained from the input RowSet's metadata.
Type Conversion Tab
Data Type
Specify the data type of this column. For e.g. integer, date or decimal. The data type specified here can be different than the actual data type in the input RowSet. If the data type is overridden, the task performs appropriate data type conversions when reading the data from the input RowSet.
Default Value: Same as input data.
Specify the pattern to use for formatting the data in this column. This will have effect if and only if the data type of this column is numeric, date, time or timestamp. The default pattern is taken from the parent Data element based on the type of this column.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Data element.
Specify the locale to which the data in this column is formatted. The Locale must be of the form [language]_[country], where language is the two character ISO language code and country is the two character ISO country code. The country part may be omitted if the data was formatted to just the specified language. Example locales are - en_US (English/United States), de (German). The default locale is taken from the parent Data element. Please note that this setting will only be used if and only if this column is defined as a numeric or date/time type column.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Data element.
Data Options Tab
Specify how the leading and trailing white spaces in this column should be trimmed. The default is inherited from the parent Data element.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Data element.
Null Substitute
Specify the value that should be written to the output file when this column of the input RowSet has a null value. The default is inherited from the parent Data element.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Data element.
Data Format Tab
Specify how the data should be aligned in this column. Default Value: Inherited from parent Data element.
Padding Character
Specify the character that is used to pad the data in this column. Data is padded with this character when the actual size of the data is less than the size defined on the column, or the size obtained from the input RowSet's metadata. Please note that the left aligned columns will be padded on the right side, columns that are aligned right will be padded on the left, and columns with center alignment will be padded on both sides.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Data element.

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