An End step indicates the end of the process. When execution reaches this step, the process completes.
You can configure the following End step properties:
Displays the name of the end step. You can edit this value.
Ending Type
You can select one of the following values:
Milestone: Send Synchronous Response
Sends a synchronous reply to the original request. The reply has all the output fields defined in the
Process Properties
dialog. If a synchronous reply was already sent, no action occurs. This is not an error as it allows background and batch work to occur. You can have additional steps after a Milestone step to send a synchronous message, and then continue executing.
If you set the value as
Milestone: Send a Synchronous Response
, you see an option to select the next step.
End of Process
No further action occurs when the process ends.
The default value is
End of Process
HTTP Status
Displays the HTTP response status code. The default value is
200 OK
. You can edit this value.
HTTP Response Headers
Specifies the HTTP response headers and values that the REST API associated with the process must return after the process runs.
For example, you can configure a response header to return the organization ID. You can consume the header value that the process returns in downstream applications.
You can configure a response header to return a lookup value. Based on the lookup value that the process returns, you can make a decision and perform further processing in downstream applications.
You can configure the
HTTP response header to enable additional security for a REST API in various browsers.
as the header name and
1; mode=block
as the value.
header enables cross site scripting (XSS) filtering. If the browser detects an XSS attack, it will not render the page.
You can add multiple response headers to the process by configuring the name and value for each header. The header name must be unique and cannot contain the following characters:
( ) < > @ , ; \\ / [ ] ? = { } _
The header name must also not contain non-English characters. If you want to provide a non-English character in the header value, you must encode the text in the Base64 format. The downstream application must decode the text to get the original content. You can add the values manually or enter a formula.
A process uses the following default HTTP response headers:
You cannot override the names and values of the default headers.
After the process runs, the API returns the HTTP response headers that you configured. You can view the response headers on the