Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Data Types and Field Properties
  3. Designing Processes
  4. Using and Displaying Data
  5. Designing Guides
  6. Designing Process Objects
  7. Designing Service Connectors
  8. Using App Connections
  9. System Services, Listeners and Connectors
  10. Designing Human Tasks



Specifying Functions and Variables

Specifying Functions and Variables

To configure service connectors, you may need to specify variables and functions to define bindings, output fields, and other properties.

Built-in Variables

You can reference these variables in a service connector using an XQuery expression:
Variable Type
All connection properties
Properties, input and Other Parameters can be specified using this format.
Output field mapping
HTTP response code.
Output field mapping
Contains the HTTP response header in an element list where each item is:
<header name="Content-Type">text/plain</header>
For example:
$ResponseHeaders[@name = "Content-Type"]/text()
Output field mapping
Contains the RESTResponse XML data, including the headers and code. Visible in the Test Results for the Service Connector.

Output Field Mapping Functions

When you define bindings in the service connector, you can use many functions in the
Expression Editor
For information on all the available functions, see Using Functions and Using the Expression Editor.
The following table describes functions available for service connector output field mappings:
svc:responseHeaderExists($ResponseHeaders, headerName ) : boolean
Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a header parameter exists within the response.
svc:getResponseHeader( $ResponseHeaders, headerName, defaultValue ) : string
svc:getResponseHeader( $ResponseHeaders, headerName ): string
Returns a response header value. If the header parameter is not defined, this function returns the optional default value.
svc:getResponseHeaderNames( $ResponseHeaders ) : list of strings
Returns a list that contains the names of all the parameters within a response header.


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