Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Data Types and Field Properties
  3. Designing Processes
  4. Using and Displaying Data
  5. Designing Guides
  6. Designing Process Objects
  7. Designing Service Connectors
  8. Using App Connections
  9. System Services, Listeners and Connectors
  10. Designing Human Tasks



Rules and guidelines for Swagger files

Rules and guidelines for Swagger files

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you import a Swagger file to create a service connector:
  • You must import a valid Swagger file. You can use the following URL to validate the syntax of the Swagger file:
  • Application Integration supports Swagger files of the JSON format. It does not support other formats such as YAML.
  • Application Integration supports only single-document Swagger files. If you import a multi-document Swagger file, Application Integration does not load the dependencies.
  • If you create a service connector by importing a Swagger file that has a large number of complex types and operations, the service connector editor might be affected, because the generated service connector will be complex and bulky in size.
  • If you have a large Swagger file to create a service connector with multiple types and operations, you can split the Swagger file into several smaller Swagger files for improved performance and better usability. You can use a Swagger splitter tool to split the Swagger file. For more information, see the following community article:
    You can also manually select a subset of operations in the import wizard to create service connectors with fewer actions.


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