| Description
User Name
| Database user name with the appropriate read and write database permissions to access Db2 Warehouse.
Use Parameter in Password
| Indicates the password for the database user name is a session parameter, $Param Name . Define the password in the workflow or session parameter file, and encrypt it by using the
pmpasswd CRYPT_DATA option. Default is disabled.
| Password for the database user name.
Connect String
| ODBC data source to connect to Db2 Warehouse.
Database Name
| Database name of Db2 Warehouse that you want to connect to.
Schema Name
| The schema name in Db2 Warehouse from where you want to fetch the metadata.
Server Name
| Host name of Db2 Warehouse.
Port Number
| Network port number used to connect to the Db2 Warehouse server.
Driver Name
| Specify the name of the IBM Data Server driver that you configured in the
odbcinst.ini file.
Advanced connection properties
| Optional. Additional connection parameters that you want to use.
Specify the connection parameters as key-value pairs in the following format, and separate each key-value pair with a semicolon: