You can send email to designated recipients when the Integration Service runs a workflow. For example, if you want to track how long a session takes to complete, you can configure the session to send an email containing the time and date the session starts and completes. Or, if you want the Integration Service to notify you when a workflow suspends, you can configure the workflow to send email when it suspends.
To send email when the Integration Service runs a workflow, perform the following steps:
Configure the Integration Service to send email.
Before creating Email tasks, configure the Integration Service to send email.
If you use a grid or high availability in a Windows environment, you must use the same Microsoft Outlook profile on each node to ensure the Email task can succeed.
Create Email tasks.
Before you can configure a session or workflow to send email, you need to create an Email task.
Configure sessions to send post-session email.
You can configure the session to send an email when the session completes or fails. You create an Email task and use it for post-session email.
When you configure the subject and body of post-session email, use email variables to include information about the session run, such as session name, status, and the total number of rows loaded. You can also use email variables to attach the session log or other files to email messages.
Configure workflows to send suspension email.
You can configure the workflow to send an email when the workflow suspends. You create an Email task and use it for suspension email.
The Integration Service sends the email based on the locale set for the Integration Service process running the session.
You can use parameters and variables in the email user name, subject, and text. For Email tasks and suspension email, you can use service, service process, workflow, and worklet variables. For post-session email, you can use any parameter or variable type that you can define in the parameter file. For example, you can use the $PMSuccessEmailUser or $PMFailureEmailUser service variable to specify the email recipient for post-session email.