Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflow Manager
  3. Workflows and Worklets
  4. Sessions
  5. Session Configuration Object
  6. Tasks
  7. Sources
  8. Targets
  9. Connection Objects
  10. Validation
  11. Scheduling and Running Workflows
  12. Sending Email
  13. Workflow Monitor
  14. Workflow Monitor Details
  15. Session and Workflow Logs
  16. Appendix A: Session Properties Reference
  17. Appendix B: Workflow Properties Reference

Workflow Basics Guide

Workflow Basics Guide

Copying a Relational Database Connection

Copying a Relational Database Connection

When you make a copy of a relational database connection, the Workflow Manager retains the connection properties that apply to the relational database type you select. The copy of the connection is invalid if a required connection property is missing. Edit the connection properties manually to validate the connection.
The Workflow Manager appends an underscore and the first three letters of the relational database type to the name of the new database connection. For example, you have lookup table in the same database as your source definition. You you make a copy of the Microsoft SQL Server database connection called Dev_Source. The Workflow Manager names the new database connection Dev_Source_Mic. You can edit the copied connection to use a different name.
To copy a relational database connection:
  1. Click Connections > Relational.
    The Relational Connection Browser appears.
  2. Select the connection you want to copy.
    Hold the shift key to select more than one connection to copy.
  3. Click Copy As.
    The Select Subtype dialog box appears.
  4. Select a relational database type for the copy of the connection.
    If you copy one database connection object as a different type of database connection, you must reconfigure the connection properties for the copied connection.
  5. Click OK.
    The Workflow Manager retains connection properties that apply to the database type. If a required connection property does not exist, the Workflow Manager displays a warning message. This happens when you copy a connection object as a different database type or copy a connection object that is already invalid.
  6. Click OK to close the warning dialog box.
    The copy of the connection appears in the Relational Connection Browser.
  7. If the copied connection is invalid, click the Edit button to enter required connection properties.
  8. Click Close to close the Relational Connection Browser dialog box.


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