Misalignment of multibyte data in a file causes session errors. Data becomes misaligned when you place column breaks incorrectly in a file, resulting in multibyte characters that extend beyond the last byte in a column.
When you import a fixed-width flat file, you can create, move, or delete column breaks using the Flat File Wizard. Incorrect positioning of column breaks can create alignment errors when you run a session containing multibyte characters.
The Integration Service handles alignment errors in fixed-width flat files according to the following guidelines:
Non-line sequential file.
The Integration Service skips rows containing misaligned data and resumes reading the next row. The skipped row appears in the session log with a corresponding error message. If an alignment error occurs at the end of a row, the Integration Service skips both the current row and the next row, and writes them to the session log.
Line sequential file.
The Integration Service skips rows containing misaligned data and resumes reading the next row. The skipped row appears in the session log with a corresponding error message.
Reader error threshold.
You can configure a session to stop after a specified number of non-fatal errors. A row containing an alignment error increases the error count by 1. The session stops if the number of rows containing errors reaches the threshold set in the session properties. Errors and corresponding error messages appear in the session log file.
Fixed-width COBOL sources are always byte-oriented and can be line sequential. The Integration Service handles COBOL files according to the following guidelines:
Line sequential files.
The Integration Service skips rows containing misaligned data and writes the skipped rows to the session log. The session stops if the number of error rows reaches the error threshold.
Non-line sequential files.
The session stops at the first row containing misaligned data.