Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Configuring the Data Director Application
  4. Establishing a Root Node
  5. Defining the Business Entity Model
  6. Configuring Business Entity Properties
  7. Configuring Reference Entity Properties
  8. Transforming Business Entities and Views
  9. Configuring Hierarchy and Network Relationships
  10. Creating Match Rule Sets
  11. Configuring Search
  12. Configuring Tasks
  13. Configuring Security and Data Filters for Business Entities
  14. Configuring the Content Security Policy
  15. Integrating Data as a Service
  16. Configuring External Calls
  17. Designing the Data Director User Interface
  18. Localizing Data Director
  19. Appendix A: Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

Designing a Merge Task Layout

Designing a Merge Task Layout

You can design a custom record view layout to manage merge tasks in the Task Manager. Add the Matching Records (Advanced) component or the Matching Records component, and add any secondary or custom components that you want.
  1. Click
    Layout Designer
    Layout Designer
  2. Click
    Record View Layout
    page appears.
  3. From the
    Layout Type
    list, select
    Merge Task
  4. Define the properties of the layout.
    1. Specify the following properties:
      View Name
      Label for the option. The view name appears as a tab in an opened record in
      Data Director
      Layout Name
      Label for the layout that you design. After you design and publish the layout, the label appears in the
      Layout Categories
      panel in the Layout Designer.
      Layout ID
      Label used for generating a system ID.
      Optional. A meaningful description to identify the layout.
      List Option Icon
      Optional. Icon for the list option. The list option icon appears in the
      list in
      Data Director
      List Order
      Optional. Placement of the view name in the list of tabs in the opened record in
      Data Director
    2. Choose the business entity or business entity view for which you want to design the layout.
      For example, choose
  5. Click
    User Roles
    page appears.
  6. Select the user roles that can access the record view layout, and click
    To create user roles, use the MDM Hub Console.
    page appears.
  7. Select any of the following actions that end users can perform using the record view:
    Merge tasks for business entity workflows.
    Merge tasks for subject area workflows.
  8. Click
  9. Select a template that supports how users will interact with the record view layout, and click
    Primary components require more horizontal space than other components. When designing record view layouts, select a template with a panel that is big enough to display a primary component.
    page appears.
  10. Drag one primary component into the workspace.
    • To manage merge tasks using the merge comparison panel with advanced features, drag the Matching Records (Advanced) component into the workspace.
      Use the Matching Records (Advanced) component to override and promote root and child values in records.
    • To manage merge tasks using the merge comparison panel, drag the Matching Records component into the workspace.
      Use the Matching Records component to override root values in records.
    Drag only one primary component into the workspace.
    The following image shows the
    page with the Matching Records (Advanced) component, the Similar Records component, and the Matched Records component in the workspace:
  11. Optionally, drag secondary or custom components into the workspace.
  12. Click
    The changes are saved to the temporary workspace.
  13. Publish the changes to the MDM Hub.
    1. Click
      A confirmation dialog box appears that prompts you to publish or review the changes.
    2. Review the changes or publish without a review.
      • To publish without a review, click
      • To publish after a review, click
        Review Changes
        and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
The layout appears in
Layout Categories
panel. When users manage merge tasks in the Task Manager, the record view layout designed for their user role appears in the review panel.


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