Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Configuring the Data Director Application
  4. Establishing a Root Node
  5. Defining the Business Entity Model
  6. Configuring Business Entity Properties
  7. Configuring Reference Entity Properties
  8. Transforming Business Entities and Views
  9. Configuring Hierarchy and Network Relationships
  10. Creating Match Rule Sets
  11. Configuring Search
  12. Configuring Tasks
  13. Configuring Security and Data Filters for Business Entities
  14. Configuring the Content Security Policy
  15. Integrating Data as a Service
  16. Configuring External Calls
  17. Designing the Data Director User Interface
  18. Localizing Data Director
  19. Appendix A: Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

Similar Records

Similar Records

The Similar Records component is a secondary component that you can add to a record view layout. When you create a record, the component displays records that are similar to record that the you create. You can review the records that appear in the component to ensure that the records you create are not duplicates.
In the Similar Records component, the records are displayed as a link with an information icon. To preview a record, you click the information icon. To open a record, click the record link.
Before you can add the Similar Records component to a record view layout, create the component in the Component Editor. After you create the component, the component appears in the Layout Designer.
You can configure the Similar Records component to use one of the following search options:
Use to find and display similar records by using search. Ensure that search is configured in the MDM Hub environment. Also, you must configure the search to include only the business entity fields that are identified as searchable. For more information about configuring search, see the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide
. For more information about searchable fields, see the
Multidomain MDM Provisioning Tool Guide
Use to find and display similar records by using queries. Queries are based on match rules. Ensure that the match rule sets that you want to use for querying similar records are configured in the MDM Hub environment. For more information about queries and match rule sets, see the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide
You can configure the Similar Records component for a business entity or a business entity view.
When you configure the Similar Records component for a business entity view, consider the following guidelines:
  • Base the search on fields that are part of the business entity view.
  • Do not base the search on child record fields, such as Address and Email, that are transformed to appear as the parent record fields.
The following table describes the XML elements that you can use to configure the Similar Records component:
Specifies one or more fields on which you want to base the search. The
element is the parent of the
field name
field name
Specifies the name of a field on which you want to base the search for similar records. The
field name
element is a child of the
element. You can configure multiple
field name
Specifies the type of search to perform.
element can contain the following child elements:
  • smartSearch
  • searchMatch
Specifies that you want to use search to find similar records.
Specifies that you want to use queries to find similar records.
element can contain the following child elements:
  • fuzzy
  • matchRuleSet
Specifies whether you want to perform a fuzzy search. To perform a fuzzy search, set to
element is a child of the
element. If you do not add this element, exact search is performed.
Specifies the name of the match rule set to use for finding similar records.
element is a child of the
Specifies the label format for the search field values. To configure the label format, use the
Specifies a single column to use in the label format. To configure the column for the label, use the
attribute, which is the unique identifier of the column. The
element is a child of the label element. You can specify more than one column for the label.
The following image shows the Similar Records component with three records that are similar to the record for John Smith:
The sample Similar Records component contains three similar business entities.


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