Define a fault name based on a fault type and variable.
A catch or throw activity has a fault name property that you can open in Properties view. In the
Fault Name
dialog you can make the following selections:
Scope Faults
A scope fault name is typically from the WSDL for a service being invoked. The name of the fault is typically the name of fault on an operation with the target namespace as the qualifying namespace value. If your process uses a People activity (on-premises only), there are some standard Human Task faults included. Select a fault from the list.
Standard Faults
A standard fault is a one defined in the WS-BPEL 2.0 specification. Select a fault from the list. See also BPEL Standard Faults else where in this help.
Custom Faults
A custom fault is one you create and can include a prefix or namespace, if desired. You must use a custom fault name when catching undeclared faults.
The fault name is a required property of a throw activity and an optional property of a catch activity.