Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Welcome to Informatica Process Developer
  3. Using Guide Developer for the First Time
  4. Getting Started with Informatica Process Developer
  5. About Interfaces Service References and Local WSDL
  6. Planning Your BPEL Process
  7. Participants
  8. Implementing a BPMN Task or Event in BPEL
  9. Implementing a BPMN Gateway or Control Flow
  10. Using Variables
  11. Attachments
  12. Using Links
  13. Data Manipulation
  14. Compensation
  15. Correlation
  16. What is Correlation
  17. What is a Correlation Set
  18. Creating Message Properties and Property Aliases
  19. Adding a Correlation Set
  20. Deleting a Correlation Set
  21. Adding Correlations to an Activity
  22. Rules for Declaring and Using Correlation Sets
  23. Correlation Sets and Engine-Managed Correlation
  24. Event Handling
  25. Fault Handling
  26. Simulating and Debugging
  27. Deploying Your Processes
  28. BPEL Unit Testing
  29. Creating POJO and XQuery Custom Functions
  30. Custom Service Interactions
  31. Process Exception Management
  32. Creating Reports for Process Server and Central
  33. Business Event Processing
  34. Process Central Forms and Configuration
  35. Building a Process with a System Service
  36. Human Tasks
  37. BPEL Faults and Reports



Process Developer Orchestration File Resources

Process Developer Orchestration File Resources

As you develop orchestration projects, you accumulate many types of files, including BPEL, WSDL, XSD, HTML, XML, and others. In addition to these, Process Developer generates some project files that are hidden by default. The following is a list of resources that Process Developer can add to your project. Based on the descriptions of these files, you can decide if you want to add them to your source control repository.
Process Developer Resource
When you save a process, a screenshot of your process is automatically saved as multiple images in a folder named .
. When you deploy, Process Console uses these images to display the Detail Graph View of the process. Without this information, a default process graph is displayed that may not match the look of your process. We recommend that you preserve the .
folder and all files in it.
In the BPR Export wizard, you can make selections for the Web Service URL and other settings. These settings are stored in
. During subsequent uses of the BPR Export wizard in a project, the Process Developer uses information in this file.
(Human Tasks) When you create a task form for a People activity, you can map task input data to output data fields so that a consolidated list of fields are displayed in the form for the input and output fields that could be merged. The input-output mapping is stored in this XML file. Typically a mapping is created only through a one-time use; however, we recommend you preserve this file with your project.
Business process archive files (BPRs) can be regenerated by using the Export wizard. However, if preserved, they are easily shared among team members because they are self-contained. An Ant file that you generate (
file), on the other hand, can contain a Web URL that points to a local host and port that other team members may need to modify.
The Eclipse files created, including
(if used), should be preserved with your project.


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