To include human participation as part of process execution, you can add a People activity and define a task for it.
A task is a Human Task (WS-HT) construct that relies on a WSDL interface, people assignments, and other details. By itself a task is not executable. It is designed to be used by a People activity. A special type of task is a notification. For details, see
About Notifications
The BPEL4People specification defines several ways that People activities can incorporate tasks, as shown in the following illustration.
Process Developer handles each of the task implementations as follows:
Inline Task #1.
Define a task within a People activity for use only within that activity
For implementation details, see
Creating an Inline or Local Notification Action for a Task Deadline
Inline Task #2 (Local Task).
Define a task within the Human Interactions element on the Outline view to make it available to all People activities in a process. The People activity can use the task as is or create overrides for some properties.
For implementation details, see
Adding a Task or Notification to the Outline View for Process or Scope Use
Stand Alone Task #3
. (This is a future implementation.) Import into the process a human interaction XML document that contains a task definition and refer to the document within a People activity.
Stand Alone Task #4
. (This is a future implementation.) Refer to a remote task.
A task definition includes the following parts:
Task Name, Interface, and Priority
Role Assignments for a Task or Notification
Adding Task or Notification Presentation Properties
About Task Deadlines and Escalations
Using Expressions for Outcome and Search By
Adding Rendering Details for a Task or Notification