Stepping to the Next Activity in a BPEL Simulation
Stepping to the Next Activity in a BPEL Simulation
You can step through the execution of a BPEL process one activity at a time. While you are stepping through the simulation, you can see execution results in the Console. You can also follow the execution path on the canvas as well as the Outline.
Click the
Step Over
button in the Debug view toolbar, or press the F6 key. The currently-selected activity is executed and suspends on the next executable activity. Alternately, click
Step Into
(F5 key), which steps into a container, such as a while, if, or for each.
The following illustration shows one step at a time of an execution path.
If a breakpoint is encountered during a step operation, the execution suspends at the breakpoint, and the step operation ends.
If you have used the input, output, or data tab of the Receive, Invoke, Reply activities to map data, use the Outline view to view the progress of step into. These activities have generated scopes with assign activities that are not shown on the canvas, only on the Outline.