Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer

Process Developer Components

Process Developer Components

Process Developer includes the following components:
  • Process Developer
    The Process Developer lets you create, simulate, deploy, and execute BPEL processes.
  • Orchestration Project Samples
    The Process Developer tutorial and other orchestration samples contain files to get you started on basic and special processes.
  • Ant Runtime for Command Line Execution of Deployment and Testing Scripts
    The installation wizard allows you to select the BUnit Runtime to install the Eclipse plugins necessary to run Process Developer scripts outside of Process Developer. These scripts include BPRD and BUnit Ant files. BPRD scripts include targets for deployments to the process Server. BUnit scripts include targets for unit testing your BPEL processes.


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