Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer

From Variable to Part

From Variable to Part

Select New to create a From Part or To Part specification to add to the list. Or select a process variable and assign it to a variable part
Reply and invoke activities can copy a process variable to a message part, eliminating the need to create an assign activity to do the copy. For the invoke, you can specify a to part instead of an input variable, and for the reply, you can specify a to part instead of the variable.
If the WSDL operation uses a message containing exactly one part which itself is defined using an element, then the Web service interaction activity can use the toPart element for the output variable. The toPart declarations are used in place of the activity's output variable declaration.
The following example shows the XML source for a To Part assignment.
<invoke outputVariable="twoWayRequest" name="InvokeWithManagedCorrelation" operation="asyncOp" partnerLink="requestPLT" portType="ns1:asyncRequestPT"> <toParts> <toPart fromVariable="V1" part="one"/> </toParts> </invoke>


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