Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer

Showing and Hiding Activities

Showing and Hiding Activities

You can preserve Process Editor real estate in the following ways:
  • Expand and collapse container activities
  • Drill down into a collapsed container to temporarily see its contents
Expanding, Collapsing, and Drilling Down into Container Activities
You can collapse the display of container and control flow activities. These activities include sequence and flow (Process Developer Classic only), fork join (BPMN only), if, while, pick, scope, repeat until, and for each.
When an activity is collapsed, select the plus icon to temporarily drill down into the activity to view its contents. Use the bread crumb display or the
Navigate > Back
command to collapse the activity.
To collapse an activity, such as a scope, select Collapse Container (or Control Flow) from the right-mouse menu. The small icon, illustrated in the collapsed scope below, indicates the container is collapsed. To expand a container, select Expand Container (or Control Flow) from the right-mouse menu.
Tips for using Expand, Collapse, and Drill Down
  • When an activity is collapsed, select the plus icon to drill down into the contents. Alternately, from the right-mouse menu, select
    Go Into Activity
    (Ctrl + Alt + L).
  • By default, the link style changes to a dotted line for a link with one or more targets in a collapsed container, as the example above shows
  • You can
    Expand All Containers
    Collapse All Containers
    from the Process menu or from a blank spot on the Process Editor. Right-mouse select these options from the Process Editor.
  • You can set a preference to control the positioning of expanded and collapsed containers in relation to other activities. The setting affects the overall look of the process design. For details, see Layout Preferences.
  • You can
    expand/collapse moves if you do not like the results


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